Z Z Top's first four albums were recorded here at Robin Hood Studios. We created their sound that has carried them through 50 years at the top of the Music Business... Worldwide.
The Uniques

Joe Stampley and the Uniques recorded many songs here but the one that has become a classic is "All These Things." It still plays on oldie stations around the world.
Mouse & The Traps

Mouse and the traps have just finished their tribute to Bob Dylan. This collection includes 13 songs done in the Nashville Slyline tradition. Nobody does Dyan like Mouse and the Traps.
Nat Stuckey

Songs like "Pop-a-Top" and "Waitin' in Your Welfare Line" quickly established Nat Stuckey as a world class writer. His own versions of these and many more of his songs also proved that he was a powerful singer.
The Five Americans

Those guys from Oklahoma made the national charts with songs like "Western Union" and "Zip Code." They toured the world sharing their unique Texas style music.
The Texas Tenors

Josh Hanlon came to Robin Hood Studios to record piano tracks for the Texas Tenors on our beautiful Bosendorfer Imperial Grand. Great talent with a great Piano is a combination that is hard to beat.
Michael Jesch

Michael Jesch is a real cowboy. He herds the cattle, shoes the horses, bales the hay and writes and sings some great songs. Check out all his songs on Itunes and Reverb Nation.
Michelle Hanlon

After recording the tracks on this great CD in Nashville we did vocals, Horns, Strings and Vocal Background here. Then mixed and mastered it. Check out this fantastic song.
© 2019 Robin Hood Studios. Tel: 1-903-592-7677