Whether you are recording for a national label, regional label or just doing your own thing, our goal is to produce a master that will provide you with a better chance to compete in the market place. We will not feel like we are successful until you are.

$85 per hour (Engineer incl.) Day rates available
Our new digital equipment allows us to do more, faster... which means you get more for less money spent. We do not charge for set up time and block rates are available.

$85 Per Hour
In today's complex listening environments, we consider how your song will sound on huge systems with sub woofers as well as ear buds coming from a phone. We can provide multiple masters for different uses that include Text and ISRC codes... as well as special safeguards for MP3s.

$85 Per hour
The huge Nuendo platform of our Digital work station, combined with Waves, UA, and Steinberg plugins makes mixing a dream. There is no limit to the control we can have over each track.

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Whether it is a music project for Country, Rock, Pop, or Christian music, we can provide musicians, arrangers, producers, who can give you the music you will be proud of. We also write and produce commercials for Radio and TV.